Best Investment for a Healthier World


A Sense of Hope in Ethiopia

By Mimi Pomerleau, Board of Directors, AWHONN As an OB nurse working in Boston and president of the Board of Directors of the Association of Women's Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN), I was given the opportunity to visit Ethiopia to experience firsthand how engagement at the community...

Nine Polio Workers Dead in Nigeria: How Can We Move beyond Condemnation to Actions that Protect Health Workers?

By Laura Hoemeke, IntraHealth International Note: This blog was originally posted on Feb. 8, 2013, on the Intrahealth's Global Health Blog. First Pakistan, now Nigeria. Polio workers murdered on the job. Between December and January, at least 16 polio workers were killed in Pakistan, according to...

Enhancing training of community health workers in DRC through effective management

By Mary O’Neil, EdD, principal program associate, Human Resources for Health, Management Sciences for Health Evidence of the need to scale up the number of frontline health workers in developing countries abounds throughout sub-Saharan Africa, as described in the recent post in this blog by Avril...

Placing their lives on the line to quell an Ebola outbreak

By Kelly Willis, Accordia Global Health Foundation Outbreaks of the dreaded Ebola virus in the Africa’s Great Lakes region have claimed hundreds of lives in the last 20 years, but thanks to the courageous efforts of United States government-supported frontline health workers like Brenda Picho, an...

On the Frontline of Achieving an AIDS-free Generation

By: Lisa Bos, World Vision Photo Credit: Abby Metty/World Vision Just a few months after starting to work for World Vision, I was able to make my first trip to see our programs in action. My country of choice was Zambia, for several reasons: it’s an English-speaking country (important when the...

Supporting Sons and Daughters in Mozambique: Revitalizing a Community Health Worker Program

By: Carol Bales and Rachel Deussom, IntraHealth International The “son of the community” takes part in a community meeting. The local people call him “the son of the community.” On the verge of tears, he listens as they proudly say, “The dust will fly even if it’s raining, because we will be dancing...

Uganda Increases Number of Health Workers

By: Meredith L. Ritchie, White Ribbon Alliance Photo courtesy of the White Ribbon Alliance Uganda Uganda deserves praise! The government recently committed to recruiting more than 1,014 midwives; 1,436 nurses; 758 nursing officers; 223 medical doctors; 283 anesthetists; 1,101 clinical officers; and...

Frontline Health Workers Care for Hope

By: Catherine D'Souza, Pallliative Care Coordinator, Integrated Hospice Unit Cameroon Baptist Convention Photo By: C. D’Souza This is the story of Hope, a cancer patient cared for by the palliative care team of Integrated Hospice Program Cameroon Baptist Convention in Bui Division, Cameroon. Through...

Foreign Aid Cuts Affect Us All

By: Lisa Meadowcroft, AMREF Photo Credit: AMREF The final segment of the presidential debates is over. Unfortunately, not much was said about the importance and impact of US aid to developing countries. We all know that the global economic climate is tough and it’s unreasonable to expect any...

Sustaining the Impact of Community Health Workers: Evidence from Health System Assessments

By: By Avril Ogrodnick, Abt Associates Photo Credit: John Palen Countries seeking to expand health services to the community-level to ensure equity of access to care frequently turn to community health workers (CHW) as an essential expansion of the health team. A variety of approaches to training...

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