Best Investment for a Healthier World


Frontline Health Workers’ Key Role in Improving Nutrition

By Sarah Dwyer and Geeta Sharma, IntraHealth International Sunita Kumari was struggling to get her message across. Working as an auxiliary nurse midwife in Gumla District, Jharkhand, India, she kept trying to mobilize the women of Toto, a village of 941 houses, to participate in Village Health and...

We’ve made staggering progress in maternal health in Bangladesh. Where next?

By Dr. Kaosar Afsana, BRAC Note: This post was originally published on BRAC Blog The patient, pictured here with a birth attendant and a community health worker, is an active participant in her own well-being. Photo courtesy: BRAC Not long ago, Bangladesh had one of the highest maternal mortality...

ICTs in maternal and child health poised for scale up in Uttar Pradesh, India

By Dr. Meenakshi Gautham, IDEAS India Country Coordinator and Research Fellow. Note: This post was originally published on the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine’s IDEAS blog. Introduction to workshop by Amod Kumar, Manthan Project Director. Photo credit: IntraHealth International...

Nine Polio Workers Dead in Nigeria: How Can We Move beyond Condemnation to Actions that Protect Health Workers?

By Laura Hoemeke, IntraHealth International Note: This blog was originally posted on Feb. 8, 2013, on the Intrahealth's Global Health Blog. First Pakistan, now Nigeria. Polio workers murdered on the job. Between December and January, at least 16 polio workers were killed in Pakistan, according to...

50 years of mobilizing frontline health workers

By Bob Gillespie, Population Communication I recently returned from Bangladesh where, as a Ford Foundation consultant from 1975 to 1978, I helped select, train, mobilize, supervise and evaluate 6,700 traditional birth attendants (TBAs), 13,500 Dais (village midwives), 13,500 family welfare...

Moms and Mangos: Documenting How Skilled Birth Attendants Are Making a Difference in India

Photo courtesy of IntraHealth International By: Taylor Marie Snyder, IntraHealth International After three-plus years of “working in India,” last month I finally had the opportunity to actually work in India. Prior to my UNC-IntraHealth Fellowship, I worked on a program promoting reproductive health...

Mobile Application Reinforces Frontline Health Workers’ Knowledge, Confidence, and Credibility

By: Corinne Farrell and Girdhari Bora, IntraHealth International Photo Credits: IntraHealth Mobile Application Reinforces Frontline Health Workers’ Knowledge, Confidence, and Credibility In rural India, frontline health workers—called accredited social health activists (or ASHAs)—are improving the...

Frontline Health Workers Are Key to Meeting Family Planning Needs Worldwide

By: Oying Rimon, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Credit: The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Around the world, frontline health workers are often the first link to lifesaving care and supplies, and in some cases they are the only link for families and communities in rural and impoverished areas...

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