Best Investment for a Healthier World

health worker safety

Getting to Zero: Lessons on Ebola and Global Health Security

By Jessica Turner for IntraHealth International. This article was originally published on IntraHealth International's publication VITAL, please see the original piece here. We sat down with Oliver Johnson to find out how West Africa's 2014 outbreak is informing DRC's today. As news from the...

The Humanity Behind Frontline Health Care

The job is difficult, frustrating, risky—and immensely rewarding. The Fourth Global Forum on Human Resources for Health began with six powerful accounts from the front lines of health care.

A Colleague Lost, and the Unknown Devastation of Attacks on Health Care

By Margarite Nathe, IntraHealth International This blog was originally published in the Huffington Post. We know very little about what happened to our dear colleague Sister Veronika Rackova, a physician and Catholic nun who was loved by her community in Yei, South Sudan. We know she was driving the...

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