Best Investment for a Healthier World


Optimizing the Role of Community-Based Workers in HIV Service Delivery

René Berger is a Director in the Global Health Division of Chemonics. He has more than 17 years of experience working with USAID and implementing partners as an HIV/AIDS expert.

Through the Pharmacy Window

by Margarite Nathe, IntraHealth International "When I was in grade 8, I was into two things: fashion and medicine,” says Elina Nantinda, a 25-year-old pharmacy assistant in rural Namibia. “So I decided to study hard. I thought, ‘It would be so nice to work with medicine and to know more about...

Task Sharing in Tanzania: The Expanded Role of Nurses in HIV/AIDS Care

By Kathryn Utan and Ronald Nakaka, American International Health Alliance Mkuranga is one of six districts along the coast of the Indian Ocean that form Tanzania’s Pwani Region just south of Dar es Salaam,. About 190,000 people live in the 15 wards and 101 villages that make up the diminutive...

One Family’s Quiet Quest for Namibia’s HIV-Free Generation

By Margarite Nathe, IntraHealth International It’s delicate work, talking with clients who’ve stopped taking their HIV medicines, says Loide Iikuyu, a community health worker at Onandjokwe Hospital in remote northern Namibia. “I talk with them so peacefully,” she says. “You must talk, slowly by...

Celebrating Community-level Pharmacy Technicians

By Kathryn Utan, American International Health Alliance Imagine living in rural South Africa, where there is just one practicing doctor for every 4,219 people in many places. Now imagine you’re also living with a chronic condition, such as diabetes, hypertension, asthma, or even HIV. According to...

AIDS2016: Opening One Door to Chronic Care

By Dr. Sanele Madela, Director Expectra Health Solutions, South Africa NOTE: This post was written in collaboration with Jessica Daly and Belinda Ngongo of FHWC member Medtronic Foundation “I am a mother, and my question is why was it so hard to diagnosis my baby?” The question – asked at the end of...

Lesson From Rural Uganda: Focus on Community-Led Services to Achieve UHC, HIV/AIDS Targets

By Marielle Hart, International HIV/AIDS Alliance Major political momentum has been building strong and sustainable systems for health: the United Nations General Assembly in 2012 passed a resolution urging member states to work toward universal health coverage (UHC); UHC is strongly embedded in the...

A Healthy Mother, a Healthy Father, and an HIV-free Baby, Thanks to Frontline Health Workers

By Heather Mason, Special Correspondent for the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation “All roads lead to Mbare,” says Sister Inviolater Wilson, the nurse in charge of maternity at Edith Opperman Hospital in Mbare, outside the capital city of Harare, Zimbabwe. Mbare is a high-density township...

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