Best Investment for a Healthier World

IntraHealth International

Nurses and Stories Are a Powerful Combination

By Cecilia Amaral, IntraHealth International and Frontline Health Workers Coalition This blog was originally posted on Vital, the IntraHealth International blog. Samalie Kitooleko wants you to know that nurses are independent professionals who undergo years of education and do not simply take orders...

Through the Pharmacy Window

by Margarite Nathe, IntraHealth International "When I was in grade 8, I was into two things: fashion and medicine,” says Elina Nantinda, a 25-year-old pharmacy assistant in rural Namibia. “So I decided to study hard. I thought, ‘It would be so nice to work with medicine and to know more about...

The Power of Storytelling: Unlocking Energy for Change

By Michelle Korte, IntraHealth International and Frontline Health Workers Coalition Listening – that’s what I’m here to do at SwitchPoint, IntraHealth International’s annual “unconference” hosted in rustic Saxapahaw, nestled along the Haw River in an arrestingly green North Carolina wood. Listening...

The Female-Dominated Health Sector Needs More Women

By Corinne Mahoney, IntraHealth International A lot has changed in health care since Peter Abwao grew up in a rural village in Kenya. Back then you couldn’t use a cell phone to beckon a health worker in the middle of the night. There was no website a parent could consult about a child’s symptoms...

To Achieve #HealthForAll We Need Health Workers for All

At IntraHealth International, we start by working with our private and public health sector partners to engage communities, strengthen primary health care systems, and identify and support health workers to deliver high-quality, essential services.

Loan Program Brings Peace of Mind to Kenya’s Aspiring Frontline Health Workers

The Afya Elimu fund plans to raise 1.5 billion Kenyan shillings (KES) by 2018 to train 20,000 health workers and help bridge Kenya’s health workforce shortage, which currently stands at a ratio of 15 health workers per 10,000 people.

On World Humanitarian Day, Remember Local Health Workers

By Michelle Korte, IntraHealth International When you think of a humanitarian, what image comes to mind? A foreign aid worker? A group of missionaries? Maybe a few American celebrities stirring trans-Atlantic compassion? (Just Google the term “humanitarian” and you’ll see a lot of Angelina Jolie...

Women Deliver Starts with Stories from Health Care’s Front Lines

By Maeve Halpin, IntraHealth International "If we can empower frontline health workers, we empower women, we empower families, and we empower the whole community.” -- Dr. Marjorie Makukula, Lecturer at the Department of Nursing, School of Medicine, University of Zambia COPENHAGEN – Sunday night...

I Am a Midwife and These Are Our Stories

By Stembile Mugore, IntraHealth International Olga Richardson—Ritchie, as we fondly called her—was my supervisor and mentor when I was a newly qualified midwife. And she taught by example. She reminded us over and over that compassion and empathy are two of the most important characteristics of...

As Spirits Rise in Sierra Leone, Technology Offers More than Ebola Recovery

On Saturday, November 7, the World Health Organization declared Sierra Leone Ebola-f ree . Hundreds flooded the streets of Freetown to celebrate and pay tribute to those whose lives were lost during the outbreak.

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