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US Global Health Policy

Saving Lives Starts with Frontline Health Workers, Congressional Roundtable Told

By Zoe Matza, Frontline Health Workers Coalition Strengthening the health workforce on the frontlines of care is a must for United States’ global health priorities to be achieved, leadership of the World Health Organization, U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) and USAID told a...

Ugandan nurses spearhead HIV testing and counseling services

By Dr. Keith Baleeta, Julian Natukunda, University Research Co./ USAID SUSTAIN Project and Irene Biraro-Seguya, Initiatives Inc. A core challenge to fighting HIV in Uganda, as elsewhere in the developing world, is the diligence of overburdened frontline healthcare workers in getting people to test...

Your Voice: Frontline Health Workers Are the Unsung Heroes of Global Health Progress

By Chris Thomas, USAID This post originally appeared on the USAID Frontlines Blog Djenebou Keita, a community health worker, tests a 2-year-old boy for malaria in Mali, one of 19 focus countries that benefit from the U.S. President's Malaria Initiative. Photo courtesy of USAID. With her 3-month-old...

U.S. leadership for the health workforce we need post-2015

By Mandy Folse, Frontline Health Workers Coalition Here at the Frontline Health Workers Coalition, we often say “American leadership matters” in driving action toward addressing the human resource gaps that severely hinder progress in saving lives and enabling prosperity around the world. This...

Thank a Health Worker – Unsung Heroes of Global Health

By Dr. Ariel Pablos-Méndez, Assistant Administrator for Global Health, USAID NOTE: This post originally appeared in the Huffington Post . When was the last time you thanked your health care provider? We often forget how much care, guidance and support they give, and the sacrifices they make to...

Health workers not only count – they are the frontline of health systems improvement

By M. Rashad Massoud, USAID ASSIST Project & University Research Co. and Diana Frymus, USAID NOTE: This post originally appeared in the USAID ASSISST Project Blog. M. Rasahad Massoud and Diana Frymus at the International Forum for Quality and Safety in Healthcare in Paris on April 10, 2014. Courtesy...

Building a Health Workforce To Achieve an AIDS-Free Generation

By Mandy Folse, Director, Frontline Health Workers Coalition At 2 p.m. Eastern today, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee takes up the nomination of Dr. Deborah Birx to be the next leader of one of the great successes in United States foreign assistance – the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS...

Improving health worker in-service training to better deliver quality services

By Rebecca Bailey, IntraHealth International; Julia Bluestone, Jhpiego; Gabrielle O’Malley, International Training and Education Center for Health (I-TECH); Carey McCarthy, CDC; Samuel Ngobua, IntraHealth; Frances Petracca, I-TECH; Lois Schaefer, USAID; Tana Wuliji, University Research Co., LLC (URC...

Midwives on a Mission: Small Numbers Making a Big Impact

By the American College of Nurse-Midwives' Department of Global Outreach The American College of Nurse-Midwives Department of Global Outreach is on a mission – to “lead global efforts that improve the health and wellbeing of women and infants worldwide through strengthening the profession of...

Rwandan frontline healthworkers backed by USAID’s MCHIP lead women to safe deliveries

By Musoni Pascal, Susan Moffson and Jérémie Zoungrana, Jhpiego Busoga, Rwanda—With her labor pains intensifying, Epiphanie Nyirankurikiyimana knew the time had come to leave for the health facility. Rather than give birth at home without skilled care, the 25-year-old mother, pregnant with her second...

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