Best Investment for a Healthier World

US Global Health Policy

Supporting Sons and Daughters in Mozambique: Revitalizing a Community Health Worker Program

By: Carol Bales and Rachel Deussom, IntraHealth International The “son of the community” takes part in a community meeting. The local people call him “the son of the community.” On the verge of tears, he listens as they proudly say, “The dust will fly even if it’s raining, because we will be dancing...

Foreign Aid Cuts Affect Us All

By: Lisa Meadowcroft, AMREF Photo Credit: AMREF The final segment of the presidential debates is over. Unfortunately, not much was said about the importance and impact of US aid to developing countries. We all know that the global economic climate is tough and it’s unreasonable to expect any...

Supporting the World’s Frontline Health Workers

By: Congressman Robert Dold Representing Illinois' 10th Congressional District. In the United States, polio was successfully eradicated in 1977. For years, this disease plagued the world and took the lives of countless children, and left many others disabled. Today, because of increased government...

The 19th International AIDS Conference

By: Joan Holloway, IAPAC The 19 th International AIDS Conference, held in Washington, DC last week, was attended by nearly 30,000 health care providers, policy makers, researchers, press and grassroots caregivers. The overwhelming message from the conference was one of hope that someday, in the not...

Elements of a Successful Partnership

By: Susan O'Halloran MPH, Frontline Health Workers Coalition Forming a successful partnership takes commitment, work and significant thought. Partnerships can help provide more visibility to an issue using the various partner networks, bring the creative thinking of more people to the table on an...

Policy Champion Rep. Lowey Takes Up Frontline Health Workers Cause

By: Nora O'Connell, Save the Children The world has achieved unprecedented successes in global health in recent decades. In just over 20 years, child deaths have dropped by nearly 40 percent. The number of women dying due to complications during pregnancy and childbirth has decreased by 34 percent...

The US Government and the Health Workforce Crisis: A Dialogue on Strategy and Approach

By: Laura Hoemeke, IntraHealth Credit: IntraHealth International The Frontline Health Workers Coalition held a technical meeting with representatives of the US Government on June 26, The US Government and the Health Workforce Crisis: A Dialogue on Strategy and Approach. The meeting brought together...

Supporting Community Health Workers is Critical - But Who, What and How?

By Tana Wuliji, University Research Co., LLC Community health workers—known by myriad titles, from health extension workers to village volunteers—form a critical part of the frontline health workforce in many low- and middle-income countries. So what kind of community and health system support...

How A $300 Investment Saves Lives

By Susan O’Halloran, MPH If you’ve ever been to the developing world, you know how especially important it is to keep from getting sick or injured. The hospital can be miles away and there is really no easy way to get there. So what happens when a child gets sick, or a woman needs help delivering...

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