Best Investment for a Healthier World


Celebrate some of the people who make global health happen during World Health Worker Week

By Scott Weathers and Vince Blaser, IntraHealth International and the Frontline Health Workers Coalition This week—April 3-9—the Frontline Health Workers Coalition and advocates around the world are celebrating the amazing impact of frontline health workers in their communities during World Health...

A Connected Health Workforce is Essential to Global Health Security

By Corinne Mahoney, IntraHealth International They have the power to shut down cities, damage national economies, and even jeopardize the Olympic Games. As one epidemic after another has emerged during the past few years, we in the global health community have become hypervigilant about global...

On the front lines of the Ebola response

By: Aliya Ladha, Amref Health Africa There is something different about Salematou Soumah when you first look at her - a silent strength and a certain kind of wisdom seems to radiate from within her. While she is not large in stature, her voice captivates and commands attention and that alone makes...

Frontline Health Workers—the Key to Maternal and Newborn Health

By Sarah Alexander, Global Alliance to Prevent Prematurity and Stillbirth (GAPPS) Did you read the recent column by Nicholas Kristof in the New York Times, “ The World’s Modern-Day Lepers: Women with Fistulas?” He shared the story of Marima, an Ethiopian woman who developed an obstetric fistula...

World Health Worker Week 2016

World Health Worker Week is taking place this year on April 2-8! It's is an opportunity to mobilize communities, partners, and policy makers in support of health workers in your community and around the world. It is a time to celebrate the amazing work that they do and it is a time to raise...

Social Service Workforce Vital Component of Health Workforce

by Nicole Brown, Global Social Service Workforce Alliance We’ve all heard the phrase “It takes a village to raise a child.” This phrase rings true when applied in the context of comprehensive care – health workers and social service workers, community leaders, neighbors and parents coming together...

What to Do about Tuberculosis in Pregnancy

By Naomi Kalemba , Jhpiego Mwanipela Village, Malawi — “I was very concerned,” the mother said, keeping an eye on her twin sons playing beside her. “I thought I was going to die from this disease, and I was concerned that my babies would die too.” Eliza Kayange wasn’t talking about something...

How a paperless immunization system is empowering frontline health workers in Vietnam

By Nguyen Tuyet Nga, PATH, Vietnam Program Team Leader NOTE: This blog was submitted in partnership with Frontline Health Workers Coalition member GlaxoSmithKline (GSK). Imagine spending two days compiling lists of children due for vaccination from records kept in paper ledgers, and then writing...

A Tanzanian Pediatrician and Advocate’s Take on Tanzania’s Health Workforce and U.S. Global Health Investments

By: Scott Weathers, Frontline Health Workers Coalition, IntraHealth International The Frontline Health Workers Coalition recently sat down to speak with Dr. Namala Mkopi, a Tanzanian doctor, former President of the Medical Association of Tanzania , and current Vice President of the Pediatric...

Our World’s Healthy Future Needs Community Health Workers

By Katie Taylor, USAID, with Nazo Kureshy , USAID and Lesley-Anne Long mPowering Frontline Health Workers We live in extraordinary times. In 1960, 22.2% of all children in developing countries – one out of every five – died before the age of 5. Today, we are within reach of ending preventable child...