Best Investment for a Healthier World


Cost of Scaling up the Health Workforce in Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Guinea Amid the Ebola Epidemic: FHWC Costing Analysis (March 2015)

The Frontline Health Workers Coalition recommends that the U.S. Government and its partners address the public health emergency resulting for the Ebola virus epidemic in Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Guinea by investing in the training, retention, and support of frontline health workers. Based on the...

Bridging the Gap: Surgical Care in Low-Resource Settings

By Susan W. Hayes, ReSurge International Seven years ago, young Mohammed Hussein was playing with friends near his home in Bangladesh when an accident occurred that would change his life forever. He and his friends were beside a road that was being paved, when Mohammed Hussein fell into a vat of hot...

A Bold Strategy and Clear Vision to Improve the Global Health Workforce

By Vince Blaser, Frontline Health Workers Coalition If not well thought out or without a plan to garner support or how to implement, strategies can be boring, dry and ineffective in driving action. On the other hand, strategies with a clear vision backed by governments, civil society, the private...

FHWC Urges WHO Executive Board to Put Frontline Health Workers at Center of Ebola Discussions

By Deepanjali Jain, IntraHealth International Early next week, 34 technical experts on health representing World Health Organization member-states will meet to set the agenda for the largest and most influential gathering of health ministers and civil society organizations of the year: the World...

More Support Needed for Local Health Workers Responding to Ebola, Advocates Say

In a recent article with the Humanosphere Blog - a leading source for original commentary on major global health issues - the Frontline Health Workers Coalition (FHWC) highlighted the need for increased support for local health workers responding to Ebola. Although stories about the life-saving...

5 Ways to End AIDS by 2030

This article originally appeared in Devex. By Margarite Nathe, IntraHealth International When it started in the early 1980s, everyone was scared. No one knew how to help the people who were filling U.S. hospitals and then swiftly dying, or what to do for others suffering the same fate around the...

Health Workers in Many Kenyan Clinics Brave Community Health Care Alone

By Melissa Wanda, Family Care International, Kenya In a village in rural Kenya, a woman in labor travels miles along rutted dirt roads to get to the nearest health center. She wants to give herself and her baby the greatest possible chance of surviving childbirth and returning home to begin new and...

Chiapas Health Workers Improve Maternal Health with mHealth

By Julia Nakad, Hesperian Health Guides Rural Chiapas might appear to be an unlikely place for mHealth initiatives to gain traction – with one person in four unable to read, and little cell phone reception or internet connectivity in the mountains, it would seem that accessing understandable...

Counting Community Health Workers “Counts”

By Cindil Redick, One Million Community Health Workers Campaign CONARKY, Guinea – How many community health workers (CHWs) are there? What are community health workers’ tasks? How can we more efficiently integrate CHWs into national health systems? Global public health leaders widely acknowledge...

How One Pharmacist Can Make a Difference: Transforming Ethiopia’s Pharmaceutical Sector

By Annette C. Sheckler, Management Sciences for Health Ayelew Adinew was working as a pharmacist in a large public hospital in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. He looked around and saw that the 100-year old pharmaceutical system was broken. There was no transparent and accountable system for providing the...