Best Investment for a Healthier World


Combining Research and Implementation to Make Every Birth a Healthy Birth

By: Mike Gravett, Scientific Director, GAPPS Photo credit: Paul Joseph Brown / GAPPS As a frontline health worker here in the U.S., far too often I see babies born prematurely and the long-term and sometimes life-threatening effects of an early birth. It’s difficult to fathom that around the world...

Frontline Health Workers Care for Hope

By: Catherine D'Souza, Pallliative Care Coordinator, Integrated Hospice Unit Cameroon Baptist Convention Photo By: C. D’Souza This is the story of Hope, a cancer patient cared for by the palliative care team of Integrated Hospice Program Cameroon Baptist Convention in Bui Division, Cameroon. Through...

Foreign Aid Cuts Affect Us All

By: Lisa Meadowcroft, AMREF Photo Credit: AMREF The final segment of the presidential debates is over. Unfortunately, not much was said about the importance and impact of US aid to developing countries. We all know that the global economic climate is tough and it’s unreasonable to expect any...

Sustaining the Impact of Community Health Workers: Evidence from Health System Assessments

By: By Avril Ogrodnick, Abt Associates Photo Credit: John Palen Countries seeking to expand health services to the community-level to ensure equity of access to care frequently turn to community health workers (CHW) as an essential expansion of the health team. A variety of approaches to training...

Supporting the World’s Frontline Health Workers

By: Congressman Robert Dold Representing Illinois' 10th Congressional District. In the United States, polio was successfully eradicated in 1977. For years, this disease plagued the world and took the lives of countless children, and left many others disabled. Today, because of increased government...

The Movement For Change

By: Nargis Shirazi, Women Deliver 100 Young Leader A CHW doing growth monitoring using a MUAC tapePhoto By: Women Deliver It is a cold rainy day, and a pregnant mother’s water has just broken. A young man stares at the pouring rain hitting the muddy path and sighs. He has no way of getting his wife...

The REAL Awards

By: Tara Fisher, Save the Children Photo Credit: Save the Children Every year, awards are given to recognize the accomplishments of celebrities, actors, singers, athletes and entertainers. But what about the REAL people who don’t just play a doctor or nurse on TV? The ones on the frontlines who are...

Saving Lives Shouldn’t Mean You Risk Your Own

By Sarah Dwyer and Rachel Deussom, IntraHealth International Health workers shouldn’t have to put themselves at risk in order to do their jobs. But in fact, many frontline health workers face a wide range of occupational safety and health hazards—biological, physical, chemical, and psychosocial, as...

Moms and Mangos: Documenting How Skilled Birth Attendants Are Making a Difference in India

Photo courtesy of IntraHealth International By: Taylor Marie Snyder, IntraHealth International After three-plus years of “working in India,” last month I finally had the opportunity to actually work in India. Prior to my UNC-IntraHealth Fellowship, I worked on a program promoting reproductive health...

Moving Toward a Better Vision of What Community Health Worker Programs Can Be

By Lauren Crigler and Donna Bjerregaard, Initiatives Inc. Initiatives Inc Community health workers (CHWs) are the ultimate frontline health workers in many health systems around the globe, playing a vital role in extending services to the most underserved populations. Last month, 60 decision-makers...