Best Investment for a Healthier World

Statements & Recommendations

As part of our advocacy for greater and more strategic U.S. investment in frontline health workers in developing countries, the Frontline Health Workers Coalition (FHWC) issues statements and policy recommendations aimed at U.S. and global lawmakers. Coalition statements, recommendations, and news releases, starting with the most recent, include: 

The Frontline Health Workers Coalition Supports the Dedicated Line Item for Health Workers in Lower Income Countries

July 2024

Sign-On Letter to the House of Foreign Affairs Committee in Support of the Global Frontline Health Workers Resolution

January 2024

Frontline Health Workers Coalition Steering Committee Statement on Protection of Health Workers in Israel/Gaza War

November 2023

Frontline Health Workers Coalition Statement on the Draft UN Political Declaration on Universal Health Coverage (UHC)

June 2023

Frontline Health Workers Coalition Statement on the Draft UN Political Declaration on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness, and Response

June 2023

Frontline Health Workers Coalition Statement on the Pandemic Accord Negotiations

June 2023

Written Public Testimony to the State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs (SFOPS) Appropriations Subcommittee 

April 2023

Sign-On Letter to Chairs and Ranking Members of House and Senate Appropriations Subcommittees on State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs

April 2023

Top Policy Recommendations to Invest in Health Workers

April 2023

Senate Sign-On Letter to USAID Ambassador Samantha Power to Include $200 Million in Discretionary Funding in Budget Request to Expand the Global Health Worker Initiative 

November 2022

House Sign-On Letter to White House Office of Management and Budget to Request Comprehensive Proposal to Fund the Global Health Worker Initiative

November 2022

CEO Letter to Honorable USAID Ambassador Samantha Power to Urge Funding to Implement the Global Health Workforce Initiative

September 2022

Global Health Organizations Letter to Congressional Appropriators to Request Funding for the Health Workforce through Health Resilience Fund

June 2022

Representative Bera "Dear Colleague" Letter to Request Robust Funding for New Health Resilience Fund

April 2022

Top Policy Recommendations to Build the Health Workforce Back Better

March 2022

Frontline Health Workers Coalition Response to President Biden's Proposed Health Workforce Initiative

March 2022

The Global Health Workforce and COVID-19: What US Congress Can Do

March 2022

Letter to Honorable USAID Ambassador Samantha Power

November 2021

Frontline Health Workers Coalition Recommendations for White House Health Workforce Initiative 

October 2021

Frontline Health Workers Coalition Statement on the Biden Administration's Budget and Planned Vaccine Donations

June 2021

Frontline Health Workers Coalition Comments to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Listening Session for the World Health Assembly

May 2021

Letter to Honorable Barbara Lee and Honorable Harold Rogers of the House Appropriations Committee for State and Foreign Operations 

May 2021

Letter to Chairman Coons and Ranking Member Graham of the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee for State and Foreign Operations

May 2021

Frontline Health Workers Coalition Policy Recommendations on COVID-19

April 2021

Proposal for a USAID Initiative to Strengthen Health Systems

March 2021

Letter to the White House Office of Management and Budget urging for significant increase in bilateral U.S. investment in health systems strengthening

March 2021

Frontline Health Workers Coalition Statement on COVID Response for the 148th WHO Executive Board Meeting

January 2021

Frontline Health Workers Coalition Policy Recommendations on COVID-19

November 2020

Frontline Health Workers Coalition Statement Urging Continued United States Investment and Engagement in the World Health Organization

July 2020

Frontline Health Workers Coalition Statement for World Health Assembly Special Session on COVID-19

May 2020

Frontline Health Workers Coalition Policy Recommendations on COVID-19 (April 2020) 

April 2020

Statements from the Frontline Health Workers Coalition delivered to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Listening Session in Preparation for the 72nd World Health Assembly

May 2019

Frontline Health Workers Coalition Statement Delivered at the Multistakeholder Hearing on UHC

April 2019

Public witness testimony of Vince Blaser, on behalf of IntraHealth International to the House of Representative Committee on Appropriations, Subcommittee on State, Foreign Operations, and Related Agencies. 

House Appropriations State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Written Testimony of Vince Blaser, MA, Senior Advocacy and Policy Advisor, IntraHealth International Director, Frontline Health Workers Coalition

March 2019

Frontline Health Workers Coalition Statements during the 144th WHO Executive Board Meeting

January 2019

IntraHealth Statement on Behalf of Frontline Health Workers Coalition on the Implementation of the International Health Regulations Delivered at the 71st World Health Assembly

July 2018

Statement of Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of World Health Organization, for Health Heroes + Social Good Summit

April 2018

Frontline Health Workers Coalition Statement on the Draft General Programme of Work (GPW13) during the 142nd WHO Executive Board Meeting

January 2018

Frontline Health Workers Coalition Comments for 70th World Health Assembly
May 2017

Global Health Council Briefing Book: Recommendations on Frontline Health Workers
February 2017 

Frontline Health Workers Coalition Statement at Ministerial Meeting on Action Plan for High-Level Commission on Health Employment and Economic Growth
December 2016

Response to consultation on the draft Global Strategy on Human Resources for Health: Workforce 2030 (GSHRH)
August 2015

Feedback on Draft Indicators to the Sustainable Development Goals
August 2015

Policy Recommendations for the United States government on Frontline Health Workers
July 2015

Comments for 68th World Health Assembly
May 2015

News Release: New Analysis Highlights Cost Effectiveness of Health Workforce Scale Up in Ebola-Affected Countries
March 2015

Response to the Global Health Workforce Alliance’s Synthesis Paper for the Global Strategy on Human Resources for Health (GSHRH)
January 2015

Statement to the 2015 World Health Organization Executive Board Meeting Special Session on Ebola
January 2015

Response to USAID’s Draft Vision for Action for Health Systems Strengthening
December 2014

Open Answer Questions to Global Financing Facility for Every Woman, Every Child Questionnaire
December 2014

Policy Recommendations: Building a Resilient, Sustainable Health Workforce to Respond to Ebola and Other Future Threats
November 2014

Comments on Draft Every Newborn Action Plan (ENAP)
February 2014

News Release: “No Health Without A Workforce” Report Reveals Crucial Need for Inclusion of Frontline Health Workers in Global Health Workforce Crisis Response
November 2013

Ensuring that Health Workers Count: A Civil Society Pledge
November 2013

Position on Draft Post-2015 (Sustainable Development Goals) Framework
August 2013

Response to Proposed Indicators for the Global Health Initiative (GHI) Health Systems Strengthening (HSS) Principle
May 2013

Statement on Global Health Initiative (GHI) Principle Paper on Health Systems Strengthening (HSS)
November 2012

News Release: Frontline Health Workers Coalition Launch
January 2012