Best Investment for a Healthier World

education and training

Empowering Health Workers to Provide Gender-Competent Family Planning Services

Gender sensitivity is crucial to being an effective frontline health worker, that's why the USAID HRH2030 program has developed a definition of gender competence and created a competency framework for family planning service providers

Supporting Community Health Workers and Volunteers - Reflections from Mozambique

Lisa Bos of World Vision writes of her recent trip with US Congressional staff to Mozambique to see both the impact of US investments and the challenges the country faces in providing high-quality health services.

In Ethiopia, Health Extension Workers Are Learning Skills That Save Lives

Nationally, roughly 70% of deliveries in Ethiopia occur at home, and interventions such as prenatal and postnatal care are underutilized. MCSP is combating this through competency-based trainings that stress early identification of pregnancies and follow-up through the delivery and the postnatal periods.

Test on the Waters

Beachside testing and counseling is a strategy for educating fisherfolk about HIV and for identifying those living with HIV.

Transforming Education through Student Retention and Recruitment

By Julia Bluestone, Jhpiego and Frontline Health Workers Coalition This blog was originally posted on the Transformative Education for Health Professionals blog From Dialogue to Action. Now is the time to push even harder for better and more strategic investment in health workforce education. In...

Loan Program Brings Peace of Mind to Kenya’s Aspiring Frontline Health Workers

The Afya Elimu fund plans to raise 1.5 billion Kenyan shillings (KES) by 2018 to train 20,000 health workers and help bridge Kenya’s health workforce shortage, which currently stands at a ratio of 15 health workers per 10,000 people.

Improving Emergency Obstetric and Neonatal Care in Zambia through Pre-Service Training

By Maura Christopher, American College of Nurse-Midwives Imagine being a novice midwife in rural Zambia. You’re working in a peripheral health center in a remote area where you are the only health worker. You are totally alone except for a cleaner and a guard. You regularly confront emergency...

Frontline health workers: The missing link to making the data revolution work for global health

By Laura Hollod, Johnson & Johnson “You want a revolution? I want a revelation.” – Angelica Schuyler, Hamilton the musical There is no denying a data revolution is underway in global development. The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) agreed to in 2000 represented a breakthrough moment when for the...

Connecting Frontline Health Workers to Training and Information

By Carolyn Moore, mPowering Frontline Health Workers For most people in developing countries, frontline health workers are the first and often only source of essential health services. Our partners and colleagues in the Frontline Health Workers Coalition support health workers through advocacy...

Prenatal Education in Indonesia

By Tiffany Montgomery, Kaiser West Los Angeles Medical Center and member of Association of Women's Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN) In December 2013, along with other maternal health advocates, I visited Bandung, Indonesia to observe the progress being made by frontline maternal-child...

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