Best Investment for a Healthier World

education and training

Mali Ramps Up Training Auxiliary Midwives in Key Intervention to Combat Maternal Death

By Kate Greene, Abt Associates In rural Mali, auxiliary midwives—called matrones--are often the frontline of care for pregnant women, but until recently they have not had the authority and training to perform critical maternal care services. Through the USAID-supported Improving National Capacity to...

Improving health worker in-service training to better deliver quality services

By Rebecca Bailey, IntraHealth International; Julia Bluestone, Jhpiego; Gabrielle O’Malley, International Training and Education Center for Health (I-TECH); Carey McCarthy, CDC; Samuel Ngobua, IntraHealth; Frances Petracca, I-TECH; Lois Schaefer, USAID; Tana Wuliji, University Research Co., LLC (URC...

Enhancing training of community health workers in DRC through effective management

By Mary O’Neil, EdD, principal program associate, Human Resources for Health, Management Sciences for Health Evidence of the need to scale up the number of frontline health workers in developing countries abounds throughout sub-Saharan Africa, as described in the recent post in this blog by Avril...

The Power of Technology for Training

By James BonTempo and Julia Bluestone, Jhpiego It starts with a simple question: can information and communication technology be harnessed to improve and address gaps in frontline health worker training? The overwhelming answer, yes! Dalberg Global Development Advisors, on behalf of the iheed...

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