Best Investment for a Healthier World


Clean hands – a recipe for health: linking hand hygiene and food hygiene

This year the theme for Global Handwashing Day was Clean hands - recipe for health. WaterAid's Om Prasad Gautam examines the link between food hygiene and hand hygiene.

Addressing Misconceptions and Eliminating the Stigma: Mental Health in Malawi

On World Mental Health Day, Seed Global Health interview their former volunteer, Amelia Rutter, about misconceptions in mental health in Malawi

End Tuberculosis by Empowering Community Health Workers

Tuberculosis claims about 4,300 lives a day. Human support from frontline health workers can make the difference between life and death.

Untapping the Potential of a ‘New’ Human Resource for Health: The Local Community Leader

Since October 2017, USAID’s HRH2030 (Human Resources for Health in 2030) has been implementing the Local Leadership and Management approach which focuses on strengthening the capacity of local community leaders in Bafia District of Cameroon.

These 5 Levels of Advocacy Are Moving the Needle on Contraceptive Use

In the struggle to end poverty, new ideas and powerful new voices are rising up, demanding change. And it's working.

Three Challenges, One Solution: The Many Capes of Health Heroes

This UN General Assembly Week, reimagine how health heroes are critical to your cause. Because, while it's obvious we need health heroes, they also need us.

Who is a Frontline Health Worker? Make Sure Pharmacists Are On Your List.

When you think of a health worker, who do you see? A doctor, nurse, midwife, or community health worker? If you didn’t think of a pharmacist of drug dispenser, consider adding them to your list. Pharmacists and dispensers around the world are important providers of health care, and they are often the first port of call for treatment or advice.

Accountability Key to Sustaining Frontline Health Worker Successes

Living Goods on working with the Ministry of Health in Uganda to develop a pilot results-based financing mechanism for community health.

Empowering Health Workers to Provide Gender-Competent Family Planning Services

Gender sensitivity is crucial to being an effective frontline health worker, that's why the USAID HRH2030 program has developed a definition of gender competence and created a competency framework for family planning service providers

Supporting Community Health Workers and Volunteers - Reflections from Mozambique

Lisa Bos of World Vision writes of her recent trip with US Congressional staff to Mozambique to see both the impact of US investments and the challenges the country faces in providing high-quality health services.