Best Investment for a Healthier World


Celebrate Frontline Health Workers Who Support Breastfeeding Mothers

Happy World Breastfeeding Week! It's a perfect time to celebrate frontline health workers who provide pregnant women and new moms with the knowledge and support they need to breastfeed.

Local Ownership: The Critical Ingredient for Sustainable Digital Training for Frontline Health Workers

Innovative organizations see the opportunities presented by technology to plug health education and delivery gaps. But the drive must come from local leaders.

Tanzanian Nurses Propel Their Country toward Global 90-90-90 Targets, One Patient at a Time

As frontline health workers, nurses who can take on the task of initiating and managing ART – particularly in rural or underserved communities – are critical to Tanzania’s efforts to achieve the global 90-90-90 targets by providing quality, comprehensive health services, including ART, to people living with HIV.

A Doctor’s Dispatch from Brazil

A dispatch from Vânia Soares de Oliveira e Almeida Pinto, a physician in Brazil who works hard to combat hypertension and diabetes in her community. Today she’s using her story to advocate for policy changes that could expand access to health services in her town, and in others like it.

Stories and Silos: Advocacy Lessons from SwitchPoint to Take to the World Health Assembly

At IntraHealth International and the Frontline Health Workers Coalition, elevating the voices of health workers around the globe and giving them the reigns to tell their stories is the lifeblood of our mission to advocate for greater and more strategic investment in their work. After all, health workers on the frontlines of care know the ins and outs of our health systems best.

Midwives: Drivers and Leaders in Addressing MNCH Gaps

All communities deserve to have access to locally trained and supported health workers. Key to achieving this goal is greater inclusion of midwives in decision-making roles in the national government, because unless midwives voices are represented at that level, policymaking decisions and priorities risk being misaligned with the needs on the ground.

Hygiene in health facilities: Supporting health workers to lead quality care

May 5th marks two important global advocacy days — Hand Hygiene Day and International Day of the Midwife. This year’s Hand Hygiene Day campaign focuses on the prevention of sepsis, and International Day of the Midwife celebrates midwives leading the way with quality care.

The Answer for Indigenous Mothers? Native Midwives

Vietnam, like many low- or middle-income countries, showed improvement in maternal and newborn mortality during the era of the Millennium Development Goals, but a gap remains between disadvantaged groups and more privileged groups. Poverty, education, language and geography are among the many barriers to health care.

More than a story: takeaways from the Health Heroes Plus Social Good Summit

As global health policymakers from around the world this week are discussing the financing needed to achieve universal health coverage on the sidelines of the World Bank spring meetings here in Washington – they would be wise to heed the stories and calls for investment and inclusion by the frontline health workers who spoke at the Health Heroes + Social Good Summit on April 5 during World Health Worker Week.

Caroline Mtani is fierce about helping mothers and babies

Tanzania continues to face a severe shortage of frontline health workers like doctors, nurse midwives and assistant medical officers. Touch’s Treat & Train program tackles this gap in Tanzania’s health system.