Best Investment for a Healthier World


The Female-Dominated Health Sector Needs More Women

By Corinne Mahoney, IntraHealth International A lot has changed in health care since Peter Abwao grew up in a rural village in Kenya. Back then you couldn’t use a cell phone to beckon a health worker in the middle of the night. There was no website a parent could consult about a child’s symptoms...

Task Sharing in Tanzania: The Expanded Role of Nurses in HIV/AIDS Care

By Kathryn Utan and Ronald Nakaka, American International Health Alliance Mkuranga is one of six districts along the coast of the Indian Ocean that form Tanzania’s Pwani Region just south of Dar es Salaam,. About 190,000 people live in the 15 wards and 101 villages that make up the diminutive...

One Family’s Quiet Quest for Namibia’s HIV-Free Generation

By Margarite Nathe, IntraHealth International It’s delicate work, talking with clients who’ve stopped taking their HIV medicines, says Loide Iikuyu, a community health worker at Onandjokwe Hospital in remote northern Namibia. “I talk with them so peacefully,” she says. “You must talk, slowly by...

Malawi Tracks Essential Health Service Delivery Through USAID-Backed Integrated Supportive Supervision System

By Sarah Dominis, Abt Associates The responsibility of the Malawian Ministry of Health to save and improve the lives of its people relies on data from even the most remote health centers on the quality of services they provide. Thanks in part to the USAID-supported Support for Service Delivery...

Building the frontline surgical workforce needed to deliver global health progress, drive economic growth

By Sara Anderson, ReSurge International In May 2017, two important anniversaries will be noted: the earthquakes in Nepal and the passage of World Health Assembly (WHA) Resolution 68.15, acknowledging the critical role of strengthening emergency and essential surgical care and anesthesia as part of...

Every Woman Everywhere Deserves Cervical Health Screening

By Rosinah Dialwa and Bakgaki Ratshaa, Jhpiego It is long before 8am and nearly 80 women are waiting outside of Donga Health Clinic in Francistown, Botswana, for free, same-day cervical cancer screening and treatment. Nurse Portia Maphalala and her colleagues stand by the door, eager to begin...

Celebrating Community-level Pharmacy Technicians

By Kathryn Utan, American International Health Alliance Imagine living in rural South Africa, where there is just one practicing doctor for every 4,219 people in many places. Now imagine you’re also living with a chronic condition, such as diabetes, hypertension, asthma, or even HIV. According to...

Transforming Education through Student Retention and Recruitment

By Julia Bluestone, Jhpiego and Frontline Health Workers Coalition This blog was originally posted on the Transformative Education for Health Professionals blog From Dialogue to Action. Now is the time to push even harder for better and more strategic investment in health workforce education. In...

Misoprostol for postpartum hemorrhage: Empowering health workers to save lives

by Shafia Rashid, Management Sciences for Health. This blog was originally posted on Rights and Realities, the FCI Program of MSH. In Senegal, approximately 1,800 women lose their lives every year while giving birth. The major cause of these deaths is uncontrolled bleeding after childbirth, or...

Do We Really Need 39 Million More Health Professionals?

By Bruno Benavides, Chemonics This post was originally posted on Chemonics’ blog Connections. During the internship year of my medical training, Peru was affected by a severe El Niño. At that time, millions of people living in the poor peri-urban belt of Lima lacked access to clean water and...