Best Investment for a Healthier World


At their finger-tips: how mobile technology is motivating Frontline Health Workers in Bihar, India

By: Carolyn Grant and Mariela Rodriguez, CARE Frontline health workers (FHWs) are often the first and sometimes only link to health services and information for communities and individuals. Many are overworked, unmotivated and lack the essential tools, training and support they need to do their jobs...

Health Employment Ministerial Meeting Holds Promise To Advancing on Universal Access to Health Services

Investing in health benefits economies – in fact, evidence reveals the economic return on investment in health is 9 to 1.

To Achieve #HealthForAll We Need Health Workers for All

At IntraHealth International, we start by working with our private and public health sector partners to engage communities, strengthen primary health care systems, and identify and support health workers to deliver high-quality, essential services.

Female Health Workers for the Prevention of Malaria

Since 2011, the United States President’s Malaria Initiative’s (PMI) Africa Indoor Residual Spray (AIRS) Project has protected millions of men, women, and children in Sub-Saharan Africa against malaria by spraying insecticide indoors on walls, ceilings, and other resting places of vector mosquitoes.

Loan Program Brings Peace of Mind to Kenya’s Aspiring Frontline Health Workers

The Afya Elimu fund plans to raise 1.5 billion Kenyan shillings (KES) by 2018 to train 20,000 health workers and help bridge Kenya’s health workforce shortage, which currently stands at a ratio of 15 health workers per 10,000 people.

Inclusive data collection on CHWs, all health workers required to meet new global compacts, new analysis finds

The Frontline Health Workers Coalition (FHWC) has released a new policy analysis, Prioritizing Community Health Worker Data for Informed Decision-Making, aimed at highlighting this acute need for data on health workers on the frontlines of care.

Investing in health workers: the business case

Health workers deliver a triple return for health, economic growth and global health security. Investing in swelling the ranks of skilled health staff is therefore pivotal to achieving the ambitious Global Goals to improve health, prosperity and sustainable development by 2030.

Access to safe and affordable surgical and anesthesia care when needed: A global promise that must be fulfilled

By Dr. Ross “Rusty” Segan, Johnson & Johnson A surgical colleague of mine once offered a hypothesis to his group of eager medical students: everyone lives in at least one of three states - pre-op, intra-op and post-op. At first, I thought this was simply an attempt to grab the attention of these...

Improving Emergency Obstetric and Neonatal Care in Zambia through Pre-Service Training

By Maura Christopher, American College of Nurse-Midwives Imagine being a novice midwife in rural Zambia. You’re working in a peripheral health center in a remote area where you are the only health worker. You are totally alone except for a cleaner and a guard. You regularly confront emergency...

Ghana’s new CHW program also platform for eHealth innovations

By One Million Community Health Workers Campaign 103 newly trained community health workers from the Amansie West District of Ghana at their graduation ceremony. Courtesy One Million Community Health Workers Campaign. In June 2015 the One Million Community Health Workers Campaign hosted a workshop...